One of the most important things that you need to have when you plan to have an adventure outdoors are good quality camping chairs. This may seem odd because you think of a trip as something that is exhilarating and fun-filled. However, this is not necessarily true because it is also possible to have something that is both fun-filled and relaxing. It is also a good idea if you will go out with your friends, bring a tent with you, and just sit around while drinking a cup of coffee. Besides, the main purpose for these kinds of activities is for you to be able to bond with your friends and have fun. It is just how you think of fun that varies from one person to another. And for some, having a furniture piece that will allow them to rest and relax a little while outdoors is a great and fun way to bond.
Quality Camping Chair
While it is true that you can bring just about anything you like, it will be better if you are going to have the best camping chairs with you. However, since there are several of them, it will be wiser if you are going to carefully choose which can really give you the comfort that you deserve. As you might have already observed, there are several manufacturers out there that claim to have the best products. Some boast a certain feature and there are also those that sell because they are much cheaper.
However, if you are going to purchase the best camping chairs, you must realize that it is more than just a single feature or the price. One of the most important things that you have to consider is the weight. As much as possible, it should be made from the lightest materials although it should also be durable. You do not want something that can be displayed at your living room so do not base too much on style and design although it still matters.
You must also decide if you are going to need a rocking or a folded one. If you cannot decide, just base it on the activities that you intend to do. If you are planning to move from one base to another, it is better if you use a folded one.
To be safe, choose from the trusted brands because they are already proven to be safe and durable. This is perhaps the most important consideration because you want camping chairs that will last a long time.
Before doing camping or hiking buddy need to prepare in advance standard equipment as recommended by CampWeipa.com, equipment in need when climbing or camping include packing equipment, clothing, ngecamp equipment, and other equipment is needed. previously also my friend must pay attention to its ordinances Packing for easy time to carry
Standard equipment for hiking or camping
Camping Supplies
Camping gear is the one who is in need, Camping equipment includes
1. Tents
Try to bring a tent that can accommodate all members of the team, not to be especially lacking. If capacity is too large marquee tent exact weight will also increase.
2. Sleeping Bag
In addition to the jacket, sleeping bag will be the mainstay of equipment to ward off the cold that invade our bodies. in order to avoid hypothermia pal
3. Cooking Equipment
Cookware consisting of stove and fuel, nesting, water containers, etc. Please note, if possible take the alternative of cooking equipment you carry. If you choose a portable gas stove, I suggest you also carry paraffin or other fuels. If at any time we carry damaged stove we need not worry because we've got a replacement.
4. Cutlery
Plates, spoons, cups, and so forth.
5. Logistics (IMPORTANT)
We try to bring a logistical and if necessary take over. For Logistics Viewable Here
Equipment for Packing
1. Carrier Bag / Backpack
Carrier is very important for a mountain climber. Selection of appropriate carrier can make our journey more comfortable. Try to choose a carrier that is already tried and tested quality (branded).
2. Backpack
May take optional. If it is still possible should you carry it. Their role for the summit attack. For the summit attack severe terrain like Mount Semeru or Gunung Slamet, carry a daypack is strongly recommended.
3. Plastic Bags
Its function is to keep our luggage from getting wet with water. There's already a carrier that in fact there is a layer of water resistant? In fact it still did not help.
4. Camera Bags
Serves to bring a camera pal, if portability is required only sob
1. Jacket Mountain
Its function would have been in the know, to protect our bodies from the cold.
2. Change Clothes
Bring a change of clothes is enough. This is a precaution if the clothes we wear wet or dirty. A change of clothes here already includes clothes (shirt), trousers, and underwear.
3. Raincoat
Weather in the mountains is very erratic comrades, especially after the global worming as it is today. Rain can fall anytime, even during the dry season. Bring a raincoat in my opinion is a right decision.
4. Hats, Gloves, Bandana
Hat could be useful to protect the head from the scorching sun, insect stings, and minimize our heads hit the trees / branches. Gloves are useful to keep the cold and bandana useful to filter the air we breathe.
Walking Supplies
1. Shoes
Its function would have been in the know, to protect the feet from thorns, sharp gravel, dn prevent snake bites from the cold. Use shoes that are specially designed for mountain climbing.
2. Sandal
3. Socks (reserve)
Other Supplies
1. Headlamp or flashlight, along with spare batteries
2. Survival Kit
3. Drugs
3. Toilet Tissu
4. Candles
5. Lighter
6. Folding Knife Multipurpose